Day 2: Through Minnesota/North Dakota

We left Minneapolis early Monday morning…sad to leave the Simonson Family.  We headed West…no surprises through Minnesota but once we hit North Dakota it was a whole new vista.  North Dakota was mainly plains and huge farms.  You had to pay attention to gas and other facilities because there is no one in the eastern half of North Dakota.  I mentioned that you had to pay attention because someone in the car developed a very strong urge. However, as we drove Interstate 94, all we saw at highway exits were signs that said “No Facilities”.  In desperation we got off at an exit and drove 3 miles to a very small town called Buffalo.  There was a very small service station (?) with a dirt driveway.  They did have the facilities we were looking for but it took a long time to get my partner to use the facilities.  I kept telling her she was going to have to “lower her standards”.  She eventually made the decision to move ahead with my suggestion.  She made me promise to pay more attention to our personal needs.


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