Day 6: Great Falls and Lewis and Clark

Today we are in Great Falls, Montana for the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.  With film and interactive displays we experienced some of the history of the Lewis and Clark journey as they explored the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase.  At Great Falls on the Missouri River, there were 5 falls that Lewis and Clark had to portage around

.In the afternoon we went to Buffalo Jump State Park.  It was really interesting how Native Americans hunted bison by driving them over the cliffs.  A buffalo runner raced right over the cliffs…with the stampede close behind…and jumped onto a safe ledge out of the way of horns and hooves.  Even those animals that saw the cliff at the last minute were shoved over by the momentum of the racing herd.  I’m thinking that PETA would have something to say about this practice.

One of the falls Lewis and Clark had to get around on the Missouri River.
There were 5 of these in a row at Great Falls.

Portage method used by Lewis and Clark

Buffalo Jumping off spot.  It is a mile long cliff.

These big guys (1400#) have been clocked at 35 MPH.
Humans can run 28 MPH. How would you like to be picked as the buffalo racer?


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