Day 18: Our Last Day in the State of Washington

We left Seattle early Wednesday (we actually lost count of what day it is) and headed due East to see Snoqualmie Falls.  A friend in Cincinnati recommended we see the falls and we were so glad we did.  It is 270’ tall and is said to be one of Washington’s most popular natural attractions.

From the falls we headed toward the middle of the state to get a peek of Mt. Rainier’s peak.  The peak is over 14,000’.  The mountain is a silent volcano but they say that one day it could erupt just like Mt. St. Helens.  It is such a beautiful and majestic site.

Snoqualmie Falls

Mt. Rainier

36 square miles of glaciers.


  1. What a great day 17 and 18,,,,love Seattle, the sound, Pike Street Market, The Space needle, the music!,,, safe travels home, see you in the valley

  2. Loving your posts. The falls looked amazing!


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